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COMPLETED panny 100-300, olympus 14-42 IIR Msc, and vf-2

Buy/Sell feedback for yamark (2)

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Mu-43 Regular
May 23, 2012
All sales US only, paypal, shipping included.
I have zero feedback on this forum but have 100+ positives on Ebay (ekurushm) and 40+ positives on a bass guitar forum. (Talkbass.com username yamark)
100-300 Panasonic lens is less than a month old and has had a UV filter on it since it came out of the box. It's a phenomenal lens but I am pretty terrible at using it. $415 includes original box and everything inside. SOLD

Oly 14-42IIR. Month and a half old. Will include various 37mm filters. UV, polarizing, Fluorescent. Front and rear lens cap included. $100 SOLD

VF-2 Great condition. Barely used. No original box but does include the little case. $180


I don't have any pictures because my sensor just died on my EPM-1 (only a month old) but I'm heading to the camera store and will hopefully return with a camera to take pictures
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