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COMPLETED Olympus 9-18mm m4/3 with hood + uv filter

Buy/Sell feedback for mr.hauser (4)


Mu-43 Rookie
Feb 15, 2011
Los Angeles, CA

Love this lens, but I find I don't use it as often as I'd like, so it's time to let it go. Lived its entire life with the lens hood and uv filter on. Gone out shooting less than 10 times with it.

Comes with
9-18mm Lens (EX, no marks that I can see) [With box and paperwork]
Oly lens hood (VG - light marks in the black plastic, its the matte finish that shows marks very easily, so pretty unavoidable) [with box]
Sigma UV filter (EX) [no box]

$475 shipped via paypal (gift or add 3%), I'll cover shipping and insurance.

Here's an album via Imgur - Photo Album - Imgur

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