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[FT] Lumix - G6 for a NEX7 | Location: USA | Ships: USA

Buy/Sell feedback for jhomer (11)


Mu-43 Regular
Jun 8, 2011
Buy & Sell Listing - Want to Trade
Trading</br> Lumix - G6 for a NEX7
</br>Location</br> USA
</br>Ships to</br> USA
</br>Description</br> I picked this up to tide me over until the arrival of the GX7 which (I'm hoping) is just a few weeks away. Would like to trade it for a NEX-7 as I have some adapted legacy glass which works really well on the NEX.

Would consider a straight sale, but I'd rather have some fun.

Other trade bait? Perhaps the black 75mm with some cash on my end.

I have all that came in the kit box (other than the lens) and the camera is in mint condition.

</br>References</br> Jhomer at Fred, jhomer101 at ebay
  • I have read and agree to the Buy and Sell rules.


Mu-43 Hall of Famer
Sep 5, 2011
Finding someone who wants what you're selling, who also happens to want to get rid of what you're buying, is a poor bet. I'm sure there are plenty of people who might be interested in a G6, but not very many who happen to have a Nex7, and even fewer who want to sell that Nex.

Just put it up for sale, and when you get the cash look for a used Nex.


Mu-43 Regular
Jun 8, 2011
You are correct - this is sort of a longshot.... Once the GX7s start shipping, I will likely list it for sale. Anyone who wants to buy can send me an offer. Also, I would also consider a black 75mm in trade or perhaps a Sigma Merrill DP2.... I know, I know, still not too likely.

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