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COMPLETED LNIB Panny 45-200 (US)

Buy/Sell feedback for demiro (71)

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Mu-43 Hall of Famer
Nov 7, 2010
northeast US
decided to keep for now.....I'd like to trade my Panasonic 45-200 + cash for a 100-300. My lens is "like new in box". Hasn't even left the house yet; just mounted it to make sure it works OK (which it does). Edit: The lens has now left the house. Used it at the ice rink today. Pretty impressed. Re-thinking getting rid of it...

As I reconsider my kit I think adding some reach might be interesting. Plus, I have a very similar zoom on my DSLR.

If you are up for a trade please shoot me a PM with details about your lens and we can discuss cash. I would prefer to deal with an established member and cross-ship lenses. I am willing to work with a newer member but would probably ask them to ship lens first.


Just adding one quick pick. The lens is like new and looks it. Includes box and all original accessories.
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