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COMPLETED L bracket for E-M1 mk2 which has extra mounting point on bottom. Ships: US

Buy/Sell feedback for Sleepy Capybara (11)

Jun 1, 2019
Spitfire Bluff
User name: Amol Thorat

Items to sell/buy/trade: L bracket for E-M1 mk2 which has extra mounting point on bottom


Location: Seattle USA-WA

Ships to: US

Description: I actually have L bracket but there's no way to attach another plate to it (read Peak Design clip) since it's flat bottomed. I have to remove L bracket to attach PD clip and I don't like the hassle.
I am looking at something like RRS or Promaster that allow attaching plate on L bracket. Checking if anyone here has one for sale at reasonable price before I buy new.

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Ranger Rick

Mu-43 Top Veteran
Apr 11, 2009
Tempe, AZ
Real Name
What drives me crazy about almost all of the L-brackets is that they don't have a cutout on the bracket to allow you to actually tilt the rear screen. Even is you can extend the screen fully to the side, the bracket blocks the screen being tilted. This is why I much prefer the screens which flip out from the back, rather than hinge to the side. Sadly, the E-P5 is the only one I have which does this.

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