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For Sale: EM-5 & 45mm 1.8, 7-14mm F4, 25mm 1.4, FL-36R | Location: USA | Ships: USA

Buy/Sell feedback for brianche (0)


New to Mu-43
Sep 11, 2016
What type of listing is this?

For Sale

What are you trying to sell/buy/trade?

EM-5 & 45mm 1.8, 7-14mm F4, 25mm 1.4, FL-36R

What are your prices?

1. Olympus OMD EM5 (Shutter Count ~10050) - $250 shipped in the CONUS

2. Panasonic 7-14mm F4 - $575 shipped in the CONUS

3. Panasonic 25mm 1.4 - $350 shipped in the CONUS

4. Olympus 45mm 1.8 (silver) - $200 shipped in the CONUS

5. Olympus FL36R flash - $100 shipped in the CONUS

Where are you located?


Where are you willing to to ship?



I have for sale my m4/3rds camera setup. All items are in very good condition and comes with original box and accessories:

1. Olympus OMD EM5 (Shutter Count ~10050) - $250 shipped in the CONUS

2. Panasonic 7-14mm F4 - $575 shipped in the CONUS

3. Panasonic 25mm 1.4 - $350 shipped in the CONUS

4. Olympus 45mm 1.8 (silver) - $200 shipped in the CONUS

5. Olympus FL36R flash - $100 shipped in the CONUS

Photos of the camera, lens and flash can be found here:


Payment accepted

Regular PayPal (fee included in price), Personal/Gift PayPal (violates PayPal policy and no buyer protection), Bank transfer (no buyer protection)

Shipping method

USPS Priority

Shipping charge

Included in price

Handling time

Within 2 days of receiving payment


Ebay username: brianche

Additional comments


I have read and agree to the Buy and Sell rules.

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