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[EXPIRED] EPM1 + 14-42 and 20 1.7 for GH2

Buy/Sell feedback for pathlesspedaled (0)


Mu-43 Rookie
Nov 16, 2011
I'm looking to explore video with the m43 system and am needing something a little more robust than the EPM1 I have now.

Would like to trade an EPM1 + 14-42 and Pan 20 1.7 for a GH2 body.

The EPM1 is new, but does have a minor nick on the screen but it doesn't affect performance, the 14-42 is in excellent condition but I'm missing the lens cap. The 20 1.7 is in perfect condition and barely used.

PM if interested or have an offer.

The Path Less Pedaled

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