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[EXPIRED] Contax Yashica ML lenses (50mm f/1.4 & 28mm f/2.8)

Buy/Sell feedback for lattiboy (24)


Mu-43 Regular
Dec 16, 2009
Please note: I'm in-between cameras right now. Waiting on the RX100 to arrive having just sold the NEX-7. I don't have anything but a crappy cell phone camera, so I'm not bothering with pictures. I would hope my feedback here, on FM and on ebay (all under the same name) would inspire confidence. I will happily accept returns if items are not as described..... but they are.

Up for sale are two of the sharpest SLR lenses ever made. Both are in PRISTINE condition. No dust, no oil, no dings. Look almost new.

I've owned the Contax Zeiss lenses of the same specs and these are as good if not better. Seriously, the most unappreciated glass I know of.

You will simply not find these lenses in better shape anywhere.

1) Yashica ML 50mm f/1.4 w/caps - $100

2) Yashica ML 28mm f/2.8 w/caps and original box - $90

3) C/Y to NEX adapter. Rainbow Imaging. $10 (will only sell with lens purchase)

Shipping is $8 per order. $8 if you buy one, $8 if you buy both.

Payment by regular PP, I eat the fees. CONUS.

I only ship Express Mail International. Contact if interested, but it usually runs about $50 insured.

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