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COMPLETED [COMPLETED] My Panasonic 20mm f/1.7 for your Rokinon/Samyang/Bower 7.5mm Fisheye

Buy/Sell feedback for 5115 (1)


Mu-43 Veteran
May 8, 2011
Northern California
EDIT: No longer available

My poor Panasonic 20mm hasn't received much love since getting the 7-14 and PL 45mm. Having been coddled all its life, it's in perfect condition - both cosmetically and functionally. Comes with the original box, manual, caps and lens bag. I'd expect your Rokinon/Samyang/Bower 7.5mm fisheye to be in similar condition. Black is preferred, but I might consider silver.

I haven't made the final decision to let it go, but I was wondering if anyone would be up for that kind of trade.

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